It is embroidered with Wheat, Grapes and rose and IHS on both the front side as well as the back side. The stole and the mass set consists of CROSS embroidery as can be seen in the pictures provided.
Made with a plain fabric and white and gold banding front and back. Package includes: 01 chasuble and no stole. Size: approx 58W X 50L. Tailored for a beautiful drape. Resists wrinkling. This set has been washed and ready to use.
This is a beautiful Traditional Catholic Requiem Mass Chasuble Set with Black Damask Fabric and Black Satin Lining. Interior is generally made of Felt, but we can make it with Canvas if requested. Felt is more flexible. This can be made with Gold Orphrey or Silver Orphrey. Scroll down for more details.
Made with a plain fabric and white and gold banding front and back. Package includes: 01 chasuble and no stole. Size: approx 58W X 50L. Tailored for a beautiful drape. Resists wrinkling. This set has been washed and ready to use.
The Avignon Collection is inspired by an antique chasuble found in Avignon, France. AVIGNON COLLECTION BLACK CHASUBLE WITH MATCHING GOLD FRINGE STOLE. Each chasuble includes an inner stole with matching jacquard banding and gold fringe.
Behind our experience is a modern machine park and a team of high-class specialists and embroidery designers. We always try to be up to date with the trends and needs of the specific sacred market in which we strive to maintain the leading position.
The Fiddleback Chasuble Set consists of a Fiddleback Chasuble, Chalice Veil, Maniple, Burse and Stole. The material of the garments is made of Damask / Brocade fabric with Cross designs. The orphreys are hand embroidered in velvet / silk fabric with Crown, IHS, Wheat and Cross design. The chasuble is interlined for sturdiness and the interior of the entire mass set are lined with matching Satin fabric. The Chasuble comes with the cord attached. The stole and the mass set consists of Ave Maria symbol embroidered in it as can be seen in the pictures provided. Length of the Vestment: 39 inches in front and 42 inches at back. Width of the Vestment: 23 inches in front and 27 inches at back. Chalice Veil: 20 inches square. Stole: 40 Inches (from shoulder to bottom). Maniple: 18.5 inches (37 inches from end to end). Burse: 8.5 inches square.
This Liturgical Vestment, used in the Eucharistic Service is made up of Raw Silk Fabric with matching satin fabric linings. The Orphreys are made of cross design embroidered on the fabric with Rose Flowers, Grapes, wheat and has IHS embroidered in it at the back as well as in the front. The vestment is embroidered with floral Rose design. The Vestment has FELT INTERFACING just to make the chasuble more soft and light weight. The Vestment set comes with a matching Stole. The stole measures 46? And is adorned with cross at the center behind the neck, and beautiful fringes at both the ends. The stole and the mass set consists of cross work with Gold finish along with design embroidered in it as can be seen in the pictures provided. VESTMENT : Width – 26? From end to end &. Height – 43? From Shoulder to Hem. STOLE: 46? From neck to bottom / 92? From end to end. MANIPLE : 18 inches (46 cm from end to end) CHALICE VEIL : 20 inches square BURSE : 8.5 inches x 8.5 inches square CHALICE PALL : 7 inches x 7 inches square. LINED: The inside of the chasuble is lined with matching Satin Fabric. This makes the chasuble a bit heavier and is recommended for Cold Climate areas or where the Eucharistic service is held in closed air-conditioned places. NOTE: Customized order are also undertaken to fulfill customers needs.
Brand NEW clerical cassock. Fabric is very light and good quality 40% wool and 60% polyester, good and special for cassocks. All cassock is finish with a twist and brush below. Has double pockets, one normal holes can get a pants pockets and second cassocks pockets. Three pleats in the back. Please leave a messages with your measures.